
Interview - Tricks and Techniques

Jaya Jagannath,

It's a common observation that there are several gray areas, issues, concerns and worries related to the way of communication while applying for a job, resume format and flavor, Email ID, Cover letter, Resume content, etiquette and mail manners to stick to during job related conversations which I need to convey to all of you in advance.

First of all let me appreciate all of you for choosing IT as career. But all of us need to mature and professionalize ourselves on those gray areas of concerns and issues as I discussed above. Now let me this elaborately on each of the concerned fronts.

Today’s we will be discussing on How to write a good and impressive Resume ? Topics coved in this document are : ( Today I will be discussing about the following verticals )

- Tips to write a good and impressive Resume
- Resume Purpose
- Types Of Resumes
- Chronological Resume
- Functional Resume
- Combination Resume
- Resume Preparation
- Tips For Effective Resume Preparation

How to write a good and impressive Resume :

Resume or curriculum vitae is a textual representation of one’s profile and it should be prepared only for the purpose it's meant to be. First and foremost thumb rule is a resume should always be in written in MS word ( An integrated tool of Microsoft Office ) only. Unless until specifically asked for any other format a resume should always be saved in .Doc format only. How ever some companies occasionally ask for resumes in text format or ASCII format. In such cases it can be temporarily be saved and sent as .txt or. Rtf or . pdf formats.

Although mentioning Career Objective is an integrated part of resume preparation but now a days it’s considered as a traditional style of resume preparation. Career aims and objectives are advisable for those who are fresher and yet to start their professional career but what most of the intellectuals feel is that there is no justification to mention Career objective and aims for the experienced people as they say Experienced people being already half thru their objective need not have to over mention it again.

A resume should be well framed, cleanly aligned, complete with respect to all the necessary information of ones education, profession, achievements and personal qualities.

It should be crystal clear at visibility and should never have grammatical or spelling mistakes.

It should be always be impressive rather than being interesting. It must be compact, short, Self explanatory, easy to read, well versed and robust.

It should be always be in Print lay out format rather being in Normal or Web lay out mode. ( to make a document in Print Layout you need to click View option from the top navigation bar and click of Print Lay out )

It must not contain anything with font size more than 10. Best visible, impressive and recommended fonts are “Arial”, “Verdana” and “Bookman old style”. Fonts like “Times new roman” makes a resume look like cousin of a news paper.

It’s always ideal not to keep much of bold texts as it some times irritates readers eyes.

Again Few of the most important parts of information or even headings can be colored different but such a color should be chosen which is gentle and good looking.

The resume should not be named with nick names of the person like “pappu.doc” or “chunmun.doc”. This predicts ones maturity level. Always name the resume with your full name.DOC ( Ex : Siba Ram Baral.doc ). How ever if it’s specifically asked for any other format then occasionally it can be renamed as per the need.

All the information relevant and related to ones career are to be present in the resume. Information must be arranged according to their priority levels. Thus it looks more formatted and less confusing. Following is a small demography of arrangement of information according to their priorities

- Name, Email ID, Contact number
- Details of companies worked along with the duration
- Brief of professional Experience Summary highlighting roles and Responsibilities
- List of designations and positions held during professional expertise
- Statistics of technical skill set
- Education and certification details
- Trainings and Seminars related to professional and personal developments attended
- Project assignment details describing project name, technology used, Techno-functional briefing of the project, modules handled and details of roles and responsibilities
- Personal profile covering few extra qualities which can be considered as career achievements, extra curricular activity details and few good points about our personality or life style which may be favorable to Organizational culture

Always Start a new project in a new page and the project should be neat and cleanly described. Project should start with a clear cut and self explanatory naming convention. This should be followed by the list of technical languages, back end and other tools used. This should be followed with a Techno-functional briefing of the project. The text should be written aiming at the coverage of the aims and objective accomplished, then modules handled and details of roles and responsibilities

Mention all the details that are must to be mentioned in the resume. To make the resume more impressive only one color is recommended apart from the general black color for the texts only to mention all the headings. It’s always not wise to mention Percentage and year of passing in Education details unless until it is specifically asked for.

Purpose of a Resume:

A resume is a self-marketing tool. It is designed with one purpose in mind - to "sell" your skills, knowledge, and experience to an employer so that he/she will invite you for an interview. An effective resume speaks to the employer's needs and requirements and demonstrates a match between what you have to offer and those requirements. It stimulates interest in you by summarizing information: unique qualities, well developed skills, relevant work or academic experiences, or accomplishments that clearly differentiates you from the competition.

Employers want to know about you, not your position. Spend more time describing your duties, responsibilities and accomplishments than describing the size and nature of your organization, although it is important for the employer to know that you have had experience in a similar organization. Your resume should be factual, impressive, readable, and tailored to the position you are seeking. It should describe your experience and achievements to stimulate a positive response. Your resume is an important item in getting you the position desire.

Types of Resumes

The chronological and functional resumes, or some combination of these two formats, are the standard types of resumes used by job seekers in today's employment market. To select the type which best supports your needs, review the following information. Many professional recruiters discount functional resumes and consider them as a "red flag", since many applicants use them to disguise a lack of experience or unstable work history.

Chronological Resume (Preferred)

In this type of resume, job history is organized chronologically with the most recent information first. Job titles and organizations are emphasized and duties and accomplishments are described in detail. A chronological
resume is easy to read, since it highlights names of employers and job titles, and emphasizes career growth. It is best suited to those whose career goals are clear and whose job objectives are aligned with their work history.

A chronological resume is advantageous when:

1. your recent employers and/or job titles are impressive;
2. you are staying in the same career field;
3. your job history shows progress;
4. you are working in a field where traditional job search methods are
utilized (e.g., education, government).

A chronological resume is disadvantageous when:

1. you are changing careers;
2. you have changed employers frequently;
3. you want to de-emphasize age;
4. you have been absent from the job market.

Functional Resume

Stay away from a function resume if at all possible. In a functional resume, skills and accomplishments developed through work, academic, and community experiences are highlighted. Your skills and potential can be stressed and lack of experience or possible gaps in work history de-emphasized. However, it is important to realize employers often view functional resumes more critically for these very same reasons.

The functional resume is advantageous when:

1. you want to emphasize capabilities not used in recent work experience;
2. you want to emphasize personal qualities relevant to the job such

as industriousness, cooperative attitude, related interests, and aptitudes;
3. you want to focus on capabilities rather than lengthy employment history;
4. you are changing careers/re-entering the job market;
5. your career growth in the past has not been continuous and progressive;
6. you have a variety of unrelated work experiences;
7. your work has been free-lance, consulting, or temporary in nature.

The functional resume is disadvantageous when:

1. you have little work experience;
2. you want to emphasize promotions and career growth;
3. you are working in highly traditional fields, such as teaching,

accounting, and politics, where employers should be highlighted.

Combination Resume

This format combines the best elements of the chronological and functional types. It presents patterns of accomplishments and skills in a section headed "Areas of Effectiveness" or "Qualifications Summary." But it also includes a brief work history and education summary. This format is advantageous for those who wish to change to a job in a related career field.

Resume Preparation

In preparing to write your resume, remember that you can only count on an employer to spend twenty seconds scanning your resume before deciding whether to review it further or put it aside. The key is to design the format in such a way that it leads the employer's eye to words that speak to his/her needs. Obviously then, effective resumes are developed by individuals who have thoroughly researched the organizations they want to work for, have identified the specific job they want, and have figured out what they have to offer.

In addition, well designed resumes have these characteristics in common:

1. Visual appeal, easy to read layout, and high quality reproduction;
2. Highlights strengths and links them to employer's needs; minimizes or

excludes irrelevant experience;
3. Presents the most important information first;
4. Entirely free from any errors: spelling, typographical, punctuation, or grammatical;
5. Succinct and organized; does not exceed two pages.

point out that the categories of information you include on your resume should provide answers to these questions:

1. Contact section: Who are you and how can you be reached?
2. Objective statement: What do you want to do?
3. Education section: What have you learned?
4. Experience/Employment section: What can you do? What have you done?
5. Professional activities and accomplishments: How have you been recognized?
6. Miscellaneous: What else do they want to know about you?

Sequence the categories according to what is most important to the employer and your career objective. A recent college graduate with limited experience should usually put the education section first since it is the most significant qualification. Education should also be listed first when, as in the case of teaching, law, medicine, or engineering, education is a qualifying requirement. In a situation where an applicant wants to
emphasize significant work or extracurricular experience or when an employer seeks to fill jobs in fields such as sales, public relations, or merchandising, the experience or work history category may be listed first.

1. Contact Information

Begin your resume with your name by capitalizing or using bold type. Include street address, city, state, and zip code. Include phone number(s) where you can be reached weekdays, 9am-5pm. Designate your home phone with an "H," and work number with "W," or a "Messages" number.

2. Career/Job Objective

This is recommended only for recent graduates or entry level personnel. Experience and professional job seekers rarely include it. This component of the resume can be very challenging to write. The purpose of the objective statement is to inform the reader of your career goals and qualifications. The statement should be written specifically enough to let the reader know that you have a focus to your job search. If you are considering a variety of objectives, you may want to relay the relevant objective in an accompanying cover letter.

3. Educational Highlights

This section is most effective when you have experiences from your education that are impressive and/or directly relate to your objective. Adding this section is useful when you have developed skills and specific knowledge through your education rather than work experience. This section can be used to highlight coursework, research, or special knowledge that complements your objective. This information is useful in a resume of entry level candidates and recent graduates.

An alternative to highlighting courses is to list the skills and knowledge acquired through important courses and research.

Examples: Developed model investment portfolio for Fortune 500 company. Analyzed revenue and expense history using state-of-the-art computer simulation programs. Designed promotional campaign for new service a targeted market.

Summary information about your undergraduate and graduate education should be included in your resume. List the name and location of the school, time period or date of degree, the degree received, and academic honors, e.g. Phi Beta Kappa, significant scholarships or fellowships. You may also list any continuing education and significant professional training but do not list every course or seminar you have attended. In general, the more recently you have attended college, the more education related information you may want to provide as you will most likely have relatively less work experience.

Start with your most recent degree or the program in which you are currently enrolled. List other degrees or relevant education in reverse chronological order.

Highlight your degree by using bold type, capital letters or underlining.

If the degree is relevant to your job objective, begin with degree and emphasis, followed by university, location of university, and date of graduation or anticipated date of graduation. Example: M.P.A., Masters of Public Administration, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, TN, India, May 1995.

If degree/program is not directly related to current job objective, begin with the university, followed by the location, degree and emphasis, and graduation date.

If you are within two semesters of graduation, do not use "expected" or "anticipated" with month/year of graduation.

If you are an entry level candidate or recent graduate and have a high GPA, include it on your resume. You may want to highlight your GPA on a new line, or in an educational highlights section. Note: Some employers believe no GPA on a resume indicates an poor GPA. Employers hiring experienced professionals generally care only that you have the degree.

If your education relates to your objective and is within the past three years, it should be the first section. If not, education should follow the work experience section of your resume.

4. Employment and or Experience Summary

A brief summary of qualifications can condense an extensive background by emphasizing experiences and accomplishments in brief phrases. The qualifications summary is accomplishment-oriented and provides an overview of your work experience. A summary is most appropriated for someone with substantial experience, for someone who is changing careers and wants to demonstrate transferable skills, or for someone with an eclectic background.

In general, you should list, in successive order for each position you have held, your employer, position title, dates (year to year), a brief description of your position, and accomplishments. You need to devote little space to explain commonly known responsibilities for positions such as city manager, police chief or public works director. You will probably devote more space for positions such as assistant city manager, city engineer, and similar jobs. You should also indicate the size of the budget and number of employees for whom you were responsible. Give brief, illustrative examples of your responsibilities and accomplishments. This is where you have the opportunity to tailor (while being accurate and truthful) your resume to what the employer is seeking. At least for your current position, indicate your base salary, not the top of your range.

Begin with your current/most recent position and work backward, chronologically. Devote more space to recent employment.

If your job titles relate to your current job objective, start each position description with job titles. If not, begin with the organization.

Follow job title and organizational information with the organization's city and state.

Use the first and last month and year to describe dates of employment.

Describe the last three to five positions in detail. Summarize earlier positions unless relevant to your objective.

Do not show every position change with each employer. Only list the most recent and describe promotions.

Do not repeat skills that are common to several positions.

Within each listed position, stress the major accomplishments and responsibilities that demonstrate your competency. It is not necessary to include all responsibilities, as they will be assumed by employers.

Tailor your position descriptions to future job/career objectives. One-page resumes are preferred for entry-level positions. Two-Three page resumes are preferred for experienced persons.

5.Professional Activities and Accomplishments

This part of your resume offers you the opportunity to provide insight into your career development. You should be selective and complete, listing such items as memberships in professional associations and offices held, professional registrations, honors received, and major articles or publications you have written. Do not list every article or every speech you may have given or every conference you have attended. Emphasize quality - this section of the resume should help you to demonstrate you are current and active in your profession.

Tips For Effective Resume Preparation

1. Overall appearance...
makes an immediately favorable impression is inviting to read
is easy to read looks professional

2. Contact information...
is clearly presented at the top. includes address information; permanent and temporary includes Contact Number

3. Objective (optional; use if yours is specific)...
includes type and level of position sought includes type and size of organization sought
emphasizes strongest qualifications and skills pertinent to desired job

4. Organization...
highlights strongest qualifications or credentials
uses headings to help establish common ground with employer
is brief - usually one page unless you have 5-10 years experience

5. Content...
demonstrates ability to do the job and speaks to employer's needs
supports and substantiates objective
stresses transferable professional skills, accomplishments, and results
contains only that personal data relevant to the job
omits racial, religious, or political affiliations

6. Education section includes...
most recent degree list of other degrees or relevant training
name and location of university, college, or training institution
major, minor, and/or area(s) of concentration or interest
relevant coursework, skills, or knowledge GPA, honors, and awards
percentage of educational expenses earned

7. Extracurricular activities section (optional) includes...
list of most impressive offices held, including title and organization
leadership roles and transferable skills pertinent professional memberships

8. Experience section...
Each relevant paid, volunteer, extracurricular, intern, or co-op experience
dates position held
description of transferable skills, accomplishments, and effectiveness
specific examples of successes and results supporting your objective
examples that quantify results or successes

9. Language...
is expressed in succinct manner uses action verbs to begin phrases
has short action-oriented phrases instead of complete sentences
is free from grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
is in active rather than passive voice uses vocabulary of the field for which you are applying

10. Layout and space utilization...
is crisp and clean

separates sections and incorporates enough blank space for easy reading
centers text with adequate margins

11. Highlighting and emphasis...
uses bold type, underlining, different type styles and sizes is well balanced

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